News & Events
General Department Events and Deadlines*
Asian Studies Faculty Block Meetings
Second Thursday of each block. ID House classroom. 12:15 - 2:00
Asian Studies Retreat
Asian Studies Opening Year Reception
An opportunity to hear from students who have studied in an Asian country. Block 2.
Student Gaylord Prize Submissions*
Fall submission - first Friday of Block 3.
Spring submission - the spring round of Gaylord funding is contingent upon the number of awards made in the fall. Should remaining funds allow a spring round, submissions are due the third Friday of block 6.
Gaylord Faculty Research Grant*
Proposal with a budget, itemizing anticipated expenses, to Karen Obrzut in the Dean’s Office by the 3rd Friday of Block 6 (March 17, 2023). More information.
Gaylord Speaker
The block varies from year to year.
Asian Studies Language Prize*
Due third Friday of Block 5.
Chinese New Year Party
Students, faculty and staff gather in February in celebration of Chinese New Year. Those in attendance enjoy Chinese food and activities. Students from all Chinese levels perform songs and skits. Block 5 or 6.
Official News
Events: Academic Year 2024-2025