Prize for Asian Language Studies
The Asian Studies Program is pleased to announce the competition for the Asian Language Studies Prize. Prize will be awarded to qualified students by the Asian Studies Executive Committee upon the recommendation of the relevant Colorado College language instructors.
In order to promote and support extended study in Asian languages by CC students the Asian Studies program hopes to offer ten Language Scholarship Prizes to current CC students to support their language study in Asia on CC-approved study abroad programs.
The award will be in the amount of $500. This award is limited as a prize to support the cost of attending the CC-approved study abroad program (i.e., requiring proper documentation for fees or travel to the program)
Applicants who apply for studying in China or Japan must complete at least one block of Intermediate Chinese or Japanese study (second-year level) at CC with the grade of "B" or higher and be accepted into a CC-approved language program in Asia. Applicants who apply for studying the other Asian languages could use the prize to take beginning language course in a CC-approved language program in either the States or Asia (two prizes will be awarded in this category).
In the event there are more than ten qualified students in a given year, the students who have completed more than one block of Intermediate Chinese or Japanese study at CC, and the students with higher grades in the relevant CC language courses, will have priority.
Deadline for Application:
A letter of application must be submitted electronically to the Asian Studies Academic Administrative Assistant, Linda Inzer (, by 3:00 pm, the Third Friday of Block 5. Students will be notified of the committee's decision by the second Friday of Block 6.
Further information may be obtained from Professor Hong Jiang or Professor Joan Ericson.