Student Organization Handbook

General Introduction to CCSGA & Student Organizations

Scope of the Student Organization Handbook

This handbook applies to any group of students who require any type of administrative or financial support from Colorado College, including but not limited to the Office of Campus Activities and/or CCSGA or is operating under the umbrella of Colorado College. This encompasses student groups affiliated with specific campus offices, programs, and/or academic departments that may or may not be recognized by CCSGA as student organizations.

Co-/extra-curricular involvement outside of the classroom is an integral part of the college learning experience, providing students the opportunity for leadership development, exploration of new interests/passion areas, and leaving a lasting impact on campus. One of the many ways students can contribute to campus life and become involved is through student organizations, which are organized and maintained by the student government structure. This handbook outlines the club development, application, and recognition process as well as the student organization management protocols and expectations. 

As the student government, the Colorado College Student Government Association (CCSGA):

  • Gives students an active role in enriching their college experience.
  • Is a source of support for student organizations and events and a forum for cooperative action and the voice of the student body.
  • Is responsible for recognizing and funding student organizations, appointing students to faculty and trustee committees, representing the student body in dialogues with college administration, and funding special projects/events, active organizations, and student publications.

Every CC student is a member of CCSGA from the time they enter Colorado College. Each student has the right to have their voice heard through:

  • Voting in campus elections
  • Running in campus elections
  • Applying to serve on a college committee
  • Attending the open CCSGA meetings. The CCSGA council meets three times every block (weeks 1 – 3) and meetings are open to the entire campus community

In addition to CCSGA membership, all students are welcome to join existing student organizations or start their own. CCSGA is responsible for the recognition and support of student organizations, with oversight from College administrative offices.

Various administrative and academic offices across campus provide support to CCSGA in the advising and management of student organizations as well as the development and implementation of collaborative projects.

Benefits of CCSGA Recognition

Recognized student organizations are provided additional support and gain access to finite campus resources, including but not limited to:

  • CCSGA & departmental funding
  • administrative support
  • campus space reservations
  • leadership development
  • invitation to participate in the Fall and Spring Campus Activities Night events
  • various other organizational and support resources

Recognition through CCSGA provides student organizations with a higher level of visibility on campus and within the community. In addition, recognition provides structure and support that promotes the longevity of your organization well after the founding students graduate. As mentioned in the scope of the handbook section, any group operating in affiliation with the college and utilizing the college’s resources are expected to abide by these expectations for risk management, liability, and safety purposes; however, groups that do not go through the CCSGA recognition process do not have access to the resources and supports listed above, including, but not limited to, financial support.

Application Process, Classifications, Advising Structures, & Status

Club Development & Step-by-Step Application Process

Groups must apply to become a recognized CCSGA student organization and be classified as “Active,” eligible for all of the benefits of recognition, as listed above. The process is as follows:

Step 1: Do your Research & Express Interest

  • Review the list of current student organizations and talk to other students to gauge interest in your proposed club.
  • Reach out to the CCSGA Vice-President of Student Life and/or the Office of Campus Activities (OCA) Staff to discuss your idea. You can reach out via email by contacting or In this email, it is best to share your intended goals, outcomes, and contributions your organization will make to campus.
  • Set up a meeting with a staff member in the Advisory Office that best fits the classification of your organization (outlined below); this meeting should help you better understand the work of that office and their student organization processes, protocols, and advising capacity.
  • Prior to meeting with the primary advisory office and/or potential advisor, you should consider what your advisor’s role will be and how involved you expect them to be. The 2025-2026 CCSGA Advisor Agreement Form can help you do this. The Advisor Expectations Worksheet must be completed and signed in order to become an official CCSGA student group.
  • (If applicable) Meet with leaders (chairs and/or advisors) of similar groups to discuss collaboration and differentiation to determine if this existing organization can meet the needs expressed instead of creating a new, parallel but distinct organization. The Office of Campus Activities Staff is available to help organize and mediate these meetings as necessary. 

Step 2: Supporting Offices

In addition to CCSGA & Campus Activities, Student Organizations are supported by a variety of different offices on campus that have expertise in specific areas.

Advisory offices associated with each type of student organization.

Student Organization Classification*

Primary Advisory Offices

Academic/Honor Society

Campus Activities

Athletic/Recreational Sport

Club Sports Recreation Program

Campus Activities

Arts (Culture, Media, Performing, Visual)

Campus Activities


Office of Sustainability


Residential Experience Team

Health & Wellness

Wellness Resource Center  

Sexual Assault Response and Support


The Butler Center: Multicultural Student Organizations

Outdoor Recreation

 Outdoor Education


Collaborative for Community Engagement


Career Center

Service/Community Engagement

Collaborative for Community Engagement

Social/Special Interest Group

Campus Activities

Spiritual or Religious

Chaplain’s Office

* This list is not all-inclusive. If your group does not fit naturally into one of these predefined categories, select a social/special interest group on the application, or contact Campus Activities. 

Each of the offices included in the chart has an internal student organization management protocol to best support the student groups within their advisory office.

  • These protocols are in addition to general CCSGA policies for student groups and must be followed for clubs to remain in active status.
  • National Organizations with chapters on CC’s campus must also agree to and follow their advisory office’s guidelines in addition to the guidelines set out by CCSGA. See the External Affiliations/Advisors & Adult Volunteers section for more information.
  • Come to the initial meeting with the completed 2025-2026 CCSGA Advisor Agreement Form to guide this discussion and determine if this office and its staff or faculty have the capacity to serve as your organization’s advisor or if you need to seek an additional staff or faculty advisor outside of this office.
  • During the application review process, CCSGA will be in touch with the advisory office and staff or faculty advisor to determine the nature of your organization’s relationship with their office and to confirm their advisor status.

Should they be unable to advise your organization but agree that your proposed organization adds value to the campus

If you need to seek an advisor outside of the primary advisory office:

  • Brainstorm a list of full-time faculty and staff that may have expertise in your organization and reach out to them to discuss your club idea and advising responsibilities.
  • Should you be unable to identify an advisor, reach out to Campus Activities for help.
  • The 2025-2026 Advisor Agreement Form is a useful tool to determine if the full-time staff or faculty member is a good fit for your organization’s interests and needs.
  • All advisors will be required to attend a yearly Student Organization Advisor Training, offered at least twice throughout the year.

There may be times when student organizations are advised by one advisory office but engage in activities overseen by a different CC office(s). In these instances, your organization will be expected to practice the protocols of both offices as well as abide by the CCSGA protocols. An example of this would be if an Arts group wanted to take their club on a camping trip; they would be required to have a trained Outdoor Education trip leader lead the trip.

Step 3: Complete an Application

Apply for CCSGA recognition. It will ask you to answer the following questions in addition to submitting your Mission Statement, Constitution, officer contact information, advisor agreement form, and membership list.

  • Roster/Membership List Requirements:
    • At least 4 active students listed on your roster, 1 of which needs to be listed as the President.
    • At least 1 active Faculty or Staff member listed as an Advisor. 
  • Belonging and Inclusion Statement: How will your organization contribute to the college's anti-racism plan and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion?
  • Provide a 3 sentence description about your club that will be displayed on the Student Organization website.
  • Does your group have any external affiliations or formalized relationships outside of the college? If so, what?

The application for new clubs can be found here. Clubs applying for re-activation each year will apply in Block 7 or 8.

Additionally, some Primary Advisory Offices require a Supplemental Application or have additional requirements you must meet in order to be classified within their structure. These requirements will be shared during the Primary Advisory Office meeting described in step 2 above.

Step 4: Application Review

The CCSGA Student Life Committee will review your application and render a decision based on the information provided in the application. There are typically two outcomes of the recognition process:

  • Approved: once a group has been recognized, they will be expected to follow the guidelines set out by Colorado College, CCSGA, and their Primary Advisory Office(s).
  • Not yet approved or tentatively approved: should a group not be recognized yet, the CCSGA Student Life Committee will provide feedback on why this decision was reached and suggestions for a future application.

If applied during the club budgeting process (Blocks 7 & 8), clubs will then be reviewed for an operating budget. Clubs applying outside of the yearly budgeting process will not be considered for an operating budget but are able to receive special event funding, as applicable.

Maintain Active Status

Once a group is recognized, there are a series of CCSGA student organization training workshops that new organization leaders must attend. CCSGA trainings include:

  • Student Organization Leader & Advisor Training
  • Finance Training
  • Trip Leader & Safety Officer Training (if traveling off-campus)

Information about the dates, times and locations of these training workshops will be emailed to the student organization’s leaders and advisors on file, as well as posted on the Campus Activities website, social media pages, and the student digest.

Additional requirements to maintain Active are:

  • At least 4 active students listed on your roster, 1 of which needs to be listed as the President.
  • At least 1 active Faculty or Staff member listed as an Advisor. 
  • Submit a re-registration form every year (including change of leadership updates)
  • Maintain relationship with Primary Advisory Office & Advisor
  • Adhere to College, Advising Office, & CCSGA policies. 

Not in Good Standing Status

Should a club not meet these requirements, it will be flagged as Active, but Not in Good Standing. This means a club may lose some or all access to CCSGA funding and other campus resources until they have fulfilled the requirements. Reasons a club may become flagged as “Not in Good Standing” include but are not limited to:

Reasons for student organizations to lose their "Good Standing" and their subsequent consequences and modes of reversal.




Missing Required Leadership training workshops (listed above)

Finance Training: Freezing of Account Access

Student Org Leader & Advisor Training: Loss of Programming Privileges

Trip Leader & Safety Officer Training: Loss of off-campus trip privileges

Arrange a time to complete make-up training; attend the session at the next offered date

Outstanding payments, overdraft account, and/or misuse of purchasing card (Pcard)

Freezing of Account and loss of access to CCSGA funding and Pcard; potential referral to the Conduct & Community Standards Process for student(s) in violation

Zeroing out of account balance; payment of outstanding balances; additional training for Pcard

Failure to follow proper event planning protocol and guidelines set out by Student Event Summit

Cancellation or rescheduling of event and/or loss of future event planning privileges

Additional event planning training

Special event funding follow-up report not submitted within 2 weeks after the event

Loss of access to future CCSGA special events funding

Completed Special Event Follow-up report

Violation of the Community Standards Pathfinder

This may be grounds for the student group to be moved directly to inactive and based on the severity of the violation, club leaders and/or membership may be referred to the Conduct and Community Standards Process


Violation of Primary Advisory Office Protocol

This may be grounds for being moved directly to inactive and will be reviewed by the Primary Advisory Office in collaboration with the Office of Campus Activities and the Community Standards and Care Specialist

The Advising Office will be responsible for communicating with student leaders to resolve or remedy the situation


Failure to return loaned College equipment or returning it broken AND/OR damage to other college property including buildings and grounds

Loss of check-out privileges; additional consequences may include loss of all programming privileges

Equipment/damaged item returned, replaced, repaired, or reimbursed  The Finance Committee seeks to prioritize funding that is considered most essential to the mission and activities of the club. Using funds to replace damaged items would not be a good use of club funding and will be considered during the next budget allocation cycle.


Failure to return waivers

Loss of programming privileges

Turn in completed waivers

Violation of Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment or Title IX policy

This may be grounds for the student group to be moved directly to inactive and based on the severity of the violation, club leaders and/or membership will be referred to Civil Rights and Title IX process

Reversal process will follow the outcomes and findings of the Civil Rights and Title IX process


Groups may become categorized as Inactive for a variety of reasons; including but not limited to, the group has:

  • not re-registered by the Spring deadline, typically in block 7 or 8
  • not appointed or informed CCSGA and OCA with both new student co-chairs and/or advisor
  • not attended any or all required leadership trainings (listed above)
  • violated CCSGA protocols, resulting in CCSGA recognition revoked
  • chosen to become inactive on their own accord by notifying the CCSGA VP of Student Life and OCA

Applications for Reactivation will be considered by CCSGA, OCA, and the Primary Advisory Office as needed. In the case of CCSGA recognition having been revoked, the reactivation process will include at minimum a meeting with OCA, CCSGA, and Primary Advisory Office Faculty or Staff to discuss future plans and changes that have been made to address the reason(s) for deactivation. 

Student Leader and Advisor Expectations

Leading a student organization is a great opportunity to learn and develop professional skills. While it can be time-consuming, it is also a fun and rewarding experience that contributes to a vibrant campus culture. Before starting a new club or organization, we want to make sure you know what kind of commitment is expected of both co-chairs. CCSGA has outlined the following minimum expectations; please note, Primary Advisory Offices may have additional expectations that will be communicated directly with their group leaders.

Student Leader Expectations

At a minimum, student leaders of student organizations are expected by CCSGA to:

  • Attend CCSGA trainings (as outlined in Step 5: Maintain Active Status)
  • Maintain good academic and disciplinary standing with the College
  • Follow the policies & protocols in this manual as well as those of the Primary Advisory Offices, the College’s Community Standards, and other applicable College policies
  • Communicate with the organization's advisor and/or Primary Advisory Office, meeting at least once a semester or more as determined by the advisor and/or Primary Advisory Office, and keeping them informed of upcoming events
  • Lead your group by setting goals and actively working to achieve these goals; strategically planning, implementing, and evaluating programs/events; and recruiting/retaining members
  • Manage election and leadership transition process (please note, each club must have two co-chairs at all times)
  • Collaborate with other student organizations when necessary
  • If a student leader or member plans to be reimbursed for purchases for the group, the advisor must approve these purchases PRIOR to buying items, documented by a detailed email to the email or the reimbursement process may not be guaranteed.

Advisor Expectations

During the initial forming of the organization or when selecting a new advisor for your organization, student leaders should reflect on the role of the advisor and determine in what capacity the advisor will be involved in the operations of the club.

At a minimum, advisors are expected to:

  • Be full-time faculty or staff of the college or approved part-time faculty or staff, unless the Primary Advisory Office has approved external advisors or adult volunteers to be secondary advisors. 
  • Attend student events. While often optional, may be required for off campus retreats or large-scale events: subject to discretion of Campus Safety, CC Policy, Primary Advisory Office, and Campus Activities.  
    • Participate in the planning process of events, from planning to execution and reflection.
  • Attend advisor training annually. 
  • Serve as a role model for student leadership with respectful and attentive communication.
  • Listen constructively and empathetically to student concerns. 
  • Honor and encourage diverse perspectives and backgrounds. 
  • Regularly advise leaders and provide guidance to members. 
  • Provide support in transitioning student leadership, starting with the Student Organization Leadership Transition Checklist. 
  • Serve as a resource for students in gaining familiarity with, and ensuring compliance with, all College, CCSGA, and Primary Advisory Office policies and procedures.
  • Refer students to other sources of information and assistance when unaware or unsure of campus protocols and best practices. 
  • Help manage and approve organizational budgets and spending. The advisor is responsible for signing off on all expenditures from all financial accounts, making sure to keep the organization account fiscally solvent, within allocations, and adhering to guidelines. In order for a student leader or member to borrow a CCSGA Pcard for their organization, the advisor must approve the detailed, itemized budget and email OCA prior to borrowing the CCSGA Pcard. If a student leader or member plans to be reimbursed for purchases for the group, the advisor must approve these purchases PRIOR to buying items, documented by an email to the email or the reimbursement process may not be guaranteed. 
  • Continually seek to improve the style and substance of their advising role in response to varying needs in ever-changing student leadership.  

So that student leaders, Campus Activities, and advisors are in agreement with the level of involvement an advisor will have in an organization, groups are required to complete the Advisor Agreement Form annually, due at the time of re-registration (Block 7 or 8). 

General Student Organization Policies 

Anti-Discrimination Statement

Colorado College does not discriminate in its treatment, access to, admissions to, employment in, or administration of its educational programs, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics programs, employment practices, or in any other College programs or activities on the basis of race, creed, color, caste, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity or gender expression, perceived gender, sexual preference, and sexual orientation), marital status, disability, veteran status, age, genetic information, or any other applicable status protected by federal, state, or local law.

Discrimination may include harassment, which involves any verbal or physical conduct that is unwelcome and so severe or pervasive to create a work or educational environment which unreasonably interferes with a person’s (or group’s) academic or work performance, this includes creating a “hostile environment”. The college further believes that students, faculty, staff, applicants for admission and employment, and visitors have the right to be free from retaliation for reporting or participating in the investigation of alleged violations of any College policy or in any related proceeding, including a criminal proceeding or a proceeding with a government agency. Individuals who engage in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary and other remedial action. View the College’s full policy on Discrimination and Harassment. To report concerns of Discrimination or Harassment to the College please contact the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX or submit an online report.

For questions about group membership & inclusion practices, see the Membership & Inclusion Practices section of the manual.

College Name & Trademark Usage 

In order to use the Colorado College name or “CC” abbreviation, your club must have been active and in good standing.  Colorado College prohibits the use of its name, licensing or trademark for profit by any individual or organization in any manner which violates Colorado College’s status as a 501(c)(3) institution.

Event Planning Protocol

The Event Planning checklist is designed to help you navigate the event planning process at CC; while not exhaustive, it will help you identify common event planning tasks and be prepared for your Student Events Summit meeting. All student organizations must abide by the college’s advance notice policy for space reservations and service orders of at least 10 business days (two weeks). 

While the college has a minimum advance notice requirement for events, it usually takes at least three months of preparation in order to carry out a well-planned, successful event. Depending upon the size and scale of the event, this timeline can be shortened, but it is advisable to start planning everything as early as possible, as spaces fill up quickly and other campus resources are finite. Before beginning the planning process, you should review the event planning checklist in its entirety so you are aware of what you need to consider at each stage. This website includes information about the available spaces on campus and how to reserve them.

Please note that alcohol is not allowed at any student organization event, meeting, trip, retreat, function, etc., either on- or off-campus, without prior authorization by the Office of Campus Activities and the Dean of Students/Vice President of Student Life of Colorado College.

Additionally, Student Organizations are expected to be familiar with the following campus & CCSGA policies:


 Tell people about your event!

  • Today @ CC
  • Digital Signage
  • OCA’s Weekend Digest: email with all pertinent information in order to be included
  • On the OCA Instagram story: message us with your posting or email your flier to
    • Please note, not all requests for Instagram story spotlights may be accommodated; it is up to the discretion of the OCA staff. Event posts must be shared with the OCA staff at least 3 days in advance.
Accessibility Considerations: Student organizations are required to include on all their posters and other media a blurb regarding how to request accommodations for their event/meeting. (e.g., “To request ASL interpretation or other accommodations, please contact Accessibility Resources at, or visit their office at Armstrong 219 at least 5 business days before the event."

External Affiliations: Advisors & Adult Volunteers

Recognizing that some organizations have national affiliations and require the help of external, adult volunteers, such as coaches, ministers, alumni advisors, etc., CCSGA welcomes the support of these individuals as secondary advisors. External Advisors & Adult Volunteers must follow the guidelines set out in this handbook in addition to completing an HR background check, complete Title IX training, and the Volunteer Agreement Form.

Organizations with external affiliations are required to have a primary advisor from Colorado College, situated in the Primary Advisory Office (see chart above, Step 5: Maintain Active Status). Any additional advisors from outside the College are considered secondary and cannot approve budgetary requests or large programs/events.

Groups with external affiliations must also follow all policies set out by CCSGA, Primary Advisory Offices, and the College; should there be a conflict between internal  (CC) and external (National Organization) policies, the College’s policies should be considered the default to be followed. Not following the College’s policy will put the organization’s status as a recognized and active organization at risk.

Financing & Funding Policy 

Colorado College Student Government Association (CCSGA) administers much of the funding for student organizations. Types of funding provided by CCSGA include Operating Budget allocations and Special Events Funding. If your organization has not already received operating budget allocations for the current semester, you may apply to receive funding for the following semester. Details of each type of funding are outlined below.

Any equipment that is purchased with a club operating budget is the property of the club and the college and can be inventoried and stored with the Office of Campus Activities. Misuse of club funds and operating budgets may result in referral to the conduct process.

Operating Budget: The CCSGA Finance Committee reviews the annual budgetary requests of student groups once a year; during the 7th or 8th block. If your student group requires funding for recurring expenses, such as transportation or meeting expenses, be sure to apply for the Operating Budget application by the strict due date. You can apply using this Budget Application Form when it is open during the appropriate timelines. 

The CCSGA Finance Committee will email your group's co-chairs at the beginning of 4th block and 7th or 8th block to give the link and deadline. Please note that budgetary funding is limited, and the Finance Committee will allocate funds based on the strength of your application, the detailed budgetary request, and the order in which it is received. Student organizations’ Operating Budget does not roll over from year to year but does roll over from semester to semester. Please note, fraternities, sororities, and club sports are not eligible for an Operating Budget. See Closed Groups - public performance groups, honor societies, fraternities, or sororities.

Special Events Funding

Student clubs and organizations can request Special Events Funding from CCSGA to host an individual event for all of the student body. In order to be eligible for Special Events Funding, the event must be open to everyone on campus and/or benefit everyone on campus. To secure special events funding:

  • Contact all necessary parties before applying for funds (i.e., room reservations, contracts with Campus Activities, security with Campus Safety, etc.) and keep your advisor informed. You must have Campus Activities and Student Event Summit approval for your event before your event can be considered for funding.
  • Complete the Special Events Funding Application and schedule an appointment with the Finance Committee to discuss your request. Email the appropriate representative for this request.
  • Timing Guidelines: Events under $5,000 must be submitted two weeks before the event date. Events over $5,000 must be submitted a full four weeks before the scheduled date to allow for adequate planning.
  • Following your event, groups are required to submit the Post-Event Funding Report.


It is important to always be good stewards of the funding your organization has been awarded. Please be thoughtful about how you spend the money; you may ask your advisor for ideas about how to budget and save money on your event. To help, CCSGA has created limitations on certain items. Please refer to ‘Limitations’ below for specifics.

Green Events Funding 

Any event sponsored by CCSGA with a total cost of over $5000 must be an Eco Event as defined by the Office of Sustainability.  Regardless of the total budget amount, CCSGA encourages all groups to keep sustainability in mind in all aspects of their student organization management.

Tax Exempt Status, Political Activity, & Fundraising 

As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Colorado College is exempt from paying Colorado state and local sales tax. Be sure to obtain a copy of CC’s tax-exempt information before making purchases. You will need to show this to the vendor each time you make a purchase on behalf of your organization. While checking out the CCSGA Pcard from OCA, you will receive a brief training that includes this information. More information is below.

As a tax-exempt organization, there are certain rules by which student organizations affiliated with the College must abide in order to not jeopardize this status with the IRS & FEC. These rules apply most specifically to political campaigns and fundraising efforts.  

  • Student groups with CCSGA funding can borrow a Purchasing Credit Card (Pcard) for use in their operational budget or Special Events Funding. In order to borrow a card, the following steps must be followed:
  1. Student groups must create a detailed budget for the event, including attendees. The advisor for the student group must approve this budget prior to reaching out to the Office of Campus Activities (OCA). The advisor and student must email OCA with approval and the budget list (
  2. After the advisor has approved the budget, the group leaders can email the Office of Campus Activities to schedule a meeting. During this meeting, the student leader will be provided training on how to use the card and communicate with vendors to be tax-exempt. Please be prepared to review the budget items with OCA at this time.
  3. Within 72 hours, the Pcard must be returned to the OCA office with an itemized receipt. Student leaders should also scan or take a picture of the receipt for their records.

Reimbursements should be submitted directly to the OCA and can take up to two weeks for processing. Please keep your advisor on all these emails as well. All reimbursement requests must include the following:

  • Completed check request form
  • Original Itemized receipt(s): must include vendor name and address, date of purchase, items purchased, total, and amount of tip.


CCSGA is committed to being the best stewards of student activities fees possible in order to sponsor the proposals with the greatest, positive impact. As such, CCSGA has the following funding guidelines and limitations:

  • For events with food, CCSGA will only fund $12.50 per person.
  • As funding should be used to the benefit of all students, CCSGA will NOT fund:
    • Any type of personal apparel or items (t-shirts, hats, stoles, etc).
    • Membership to another organization or to participate in tournaments, etc.
    • Anything politically partisan
    • Anything discriminatory or not in line with the College’s values and mission
    • Purchases of items to be resold for profit
    • Fundraising events may charge a suggested donation maximum of $10.00/person for event entry. This must just be a suggested donation so that there are no participation barriers.
    • Drawings are only allowed in very specific situations. Everyone must be given a ticket for the raffle whether or not they chose to donate to the student organization. It cannot be "pay to play". It must be for the student organization; it cannot support a 3rd party nonprofit organization.

Please note that the Office of Campus Activities has a lending library and you should first confirm the availability of items within this inventory before purchasing equipment or supplies. The process to request this equipment is outlined in the event planning checklist as well as on the OCA Equipment Request Form.

Student Wages/Labor

Student leadership of a student organization is not and will not be considered a form of employment. In order to be legally considered a job or contract, a student must perform work for an office on campus under the supervision of a full-time employee who dictates the work needed, the antithesis of student organizations on campus. Instead, the benefit of student leadership and student organizations is in the skill development and community-building aspects of the groups.

In the case that individual students are needed to do contract, project-based, short-term labor on behalf of a student-run event that is approved by the Office of Campus Activities (OCA) as vital to the office, such as providing AV support, performing, etc., the student event organizers should work with the Office of Campus Activities (OCA) to determine contracting procedures and the hourly rate for these individuals. Please note that contract work on behalf of the college is taxable but taxes are not withheld in the payment and contract workers are not provided the same benefits and protections as student employees.

Student leaders and event planners cannot pay themselves for event planning services (either through student employment or contract work), as planning is the responsibility of club leaders, and student-led events are not dictated by or required by the college.   

Student Performance Group members, such as acapella groups, ensembles, theater, or comedy groups, cannot receive payment as individuals for performing at an event but can receive funding via their club account.

Fundraising for Your Club or Organization

All student-led fundraising must comply with IRS regulations and all Colorado College gift acceptance policies. Students should note that “money or property you give to an individual is not deductible as a charitable contribution” (IRS Publication 526). 

Therefore, no individual student may raise money in the college’s name for their own, individual purpose. Students cannot fundraise or accept monetary gifts on behalf of the college including student organizations, club sports, or on behalf of an external entity or initiative in their own Venmo, GoFundMe, PayPal, et cetera.

Student-led fundraising projects must fall within at least one of the following categories:

  • Collaborative for Community Engagement programs and events;
  • Chartered student club activities. (Chartered clubs for political or religious purposes are excluded);
  • Athletic club sports activities;

Approvals: Student-led fundraising projects MUST be approved at least two weeks prior to initiation. 

  • Student Organizations officially recognized by CCSGA MUST get approval from the Director of Campus Activities
  • Athletic Organizations MUST get approval the Director of Campus Recreation & Fitness

Following that approval, the project must be approved by the Assistant Vice President of Annual Giving. Please see the procedure section below for that approval process. While all student fundraising projects require approval by the Assistant Vice President of Annual Giving, printed and electronic communications associated with those projects also require approval by the Assistant Vice President of Annual Giving and the Division of Communications.   

Accepting Payments

There are a variety of ways to accept payments at a student organization event or fundraiser:

  • Cash or Check: If you would like to accept cash or check payments at events, you must work with the Office of Campus Activities at least a month in advance. 
    • The cash box is to be returned to the Worner Desk for storage immediately following your event.
    • To deposit the cash into your organization account, visit the Student Accounts Office in Spencer Center (first floor).
  • Credit Card: If you want the option of taking credit card payments at an event or fundraiser, your treasurer must notify the business office at least 10 business days/two weeks in advance to request a credit card machine.
  • Crowdfunding: Should your organization want to take on a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for your organization and a specific project, contact the Assistant Director in Annual Giving for more information and submit your project proposal at this Give Campus link. Please note, if approved, Give Campus allows Venmo to be used through its website. This is the only way organizations can use Venmo as a service. 
  • Other Electronic Payments: Student organizations are NOT allowed to accept money via PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Square, or any other method that requires funds to flow through personal bank accounts. No organizational money should ever be deposited into a personal banking account. Additionally, no student organization or group may make PayPal, Venmo, Square, etc. accounts in the name of their group, because this again requires an association with a personal bank account and is a violation of the terms and services.

Fundraising for Organizations or on Behalf of External Organizations

Entry fees: If you are charging an entry fee for your event, it has to be a suggested donation if you receive CCSGA Special Event Funding (SEF) since SEF is paid for by student activity fees; that way you all are not charging students essentially twice for the event, they have the option to opt-out of supporting the fundraiser, and there is not an additional barrier for participation.

A few things to keep in mind when fundraising on behalf of an external group:

  • Make sure they are a certified non-profit
  • Make sure your designed fundraiser is consistent with the goals and principles of the organization you are sponsoring
  • All money raised must go to the identified/advertised organization and none should be kept for your student organization OR it should be clearly defined that 50% of the money raised goes to the organization and 50% goes to organizational expenses so that people clearly understand what they are supporting.
  • The money raised must be deposited in your student org account and then a check will be cut to the organization; no money should ever go through a personal account. See Accepting Payments for more info.
  • Pay to play or pay to enter a raffle is not allowed under any circumstances, as this is considered gambling and a violation of our tax-exempt status.

Food Safety

If clubs are serving food to their members or guests at meetings or events, a member of the club must have a Food Handlers License Certification. This is an online course that takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete, including the test at which you get 2 attempts to pass; it costs $10 to complete and is valid for 3 years. The cost should be covered by the student organization.


The College forbids hazing, which is defined as any act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, which destroys or removes public or private property, or which produces ridicule, embarrassment, harassment, intimidation, or other such results, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition of continued membership in, a group or organization.

Examples include but are not limited to paddling, creating excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shock, public stunts, causing a student to violate the law or college policy, and morally degrading or humiliating games and activities.

Previously relied upon “traditions”, the intent of such acts or coercion by current or former student leaders of student groups will not suffice as a justifiable reason for participation in acts of hazing. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense of this violation and having knowledge of a hazing event and failing to report it to the College is also seen as a violation of this policy. 

The College is opposed to hazing and other activities that do not contribute to the positive development and welfare of initiates and members. A true sense of community is nurtured in an atmosphere of social and moral responsibility and mutual respect. Review the College’s Community Standards Policy here

International Students and Immigration Limitations 

International students studying at CC on an F-1 or J-1 visa have federal immigration regulations to follow which may impact an international student’s eligibility for off-campus community engagement or volunteer experience.  Before participating in an off-campus community engagement or volunteer activity, an international student should consult the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) team. The ISSS staff may be reached by email ( or through an appointment. The ISSS team is located in the Center for Global Education & Field Studies, on the second floor of Armstrong Hall (above the Registrar’s Office).

Leadership Transitions 

Transitioning from the two outgoing student co-chairs to the new co-chairs can be a difficult process, but there are ways to make it easier by planning ahead and setting aside training/transition periods for the outgoing and incoming leaders. We encourage student organizations to create and maintain a leadership transition document or digital resource guide that includes the following information:

  • Advisor Name & Contact Info and/or the Primary Advisory Office
  • Logins & passwords for any accounts affiliated with the organization such as Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, GroupMe, Microsoft Teams, e
  • Student Org Account Code (FOAP – Fund, Organization, Account, Program Number)
  • Frequency of your work and meetings
  • Editable List of Annual Signature Programs & Event Planning Timelines
  • Editable versions of the following:
    • Constitution
    • Mission
    • Leadership List
    • Members List
  • Types of activities your club did this year
  • Any other historical documents
  • Advice: What I wish I had known, done differently, biggest takeaways this year, what worked and what didn't work, what type of support do you anticipate needing for next year

Outgoing leaders are expected to update their Organization’s contact information with CCSGA so that all official communications regarding the budget application process are received by the appropriate club leaders. Failure to update leadership contacts may lead to a group becoming inactive.

Membership and Inclusion Practices 

All students are members of CCSGA and student organizations are expected to have open and inclusive membership; there are, however, a few reasons a group can apply for “Closed Groups” status.

Closed Groups

CCSGA leadership has the ability to designate a student organization as a Closed Group if deemed necessary. Groups must apply for closed group status annually and can do so for the following reasons:


  • A group must demonstrate that it is necessary to secure the safety of its members and/or to maintain the confidentiality of members. This need must be explicitly stated and criteria for group membership must be readily available.

Public Performance Groups (PPGs)

  • As a group driven by public performance, auditions are allowed to select members and thus be a closed group.
  • Auditions MUST BE open to the entire campus community and conducted in such a way that allows equity and access in the process.
  • All performances of PPGs must be open to all members of the Colorado College community.

Honor Societies

  • Honor Societies with national affiliations typically have minimum GPA requirements for membership. Group criteria and the invitation process must be readily available.

Greek Organizations

  • While Greek Organizations are recognized CCSGA student organizations, they are not eligible to receive an operating budget allotment from CCSGA as they elect to be closed groups and do not fall under the other approved categories for closed groups. As such, they are self-funded through membership dues and do not receive an operating budget allotment.
  • Should Greek Organizations be hosting a campus-wide program, they are, however, eligible to apply for CCSGA Special Event Funding on a case-by-case basis.

Risk Management Protocols

Student and community safety is our primary concern; risk management/mitigation is an important part of this puzzle. As partners in this process, student organization leaders, advisors, and College staff are expected to engage in risk assessment and make intelligent, reasonable, and fair choices regarding the potential for any and all types of harm. This includes the identification and evaluation of potential risks associated with the activities/operations of an organization and developing a plan to proactively control, reduce, or eliminate those risks.


You may need group members or event participants to sign a waiver to participate in events or to be a member of your organization. Activity waivers are most commonly used when an individual activity or student organization requires an additional level of risk, such as travel, physical activity, competition, etc.

Event/Activity Waivers

Should your event involve activities that require waivers, you will be notified at the Student Event Summit meeting. These waivers will be provided by Campus Activities staff. Waivers must be completed by all participants prior to the event, collected by a representative of the organization, and returned in alphabetical order with an accompanying participant roster to the Campus Activities Office. Failure to return waivers within 72 hours of the event may result in the loss of event privileges and active status.

Membership Waivers

Certain organizations as deemed by the College are required to have all members fill out the participation agreement.

Trip Registration for Off-Campus Travel & Van Reservations

CCSGA Student Organizations are required to register any off-campus trips with the Campus Activities Office using the Trip Registration form at least:

  • 4 weeks in advance if international*
  • 2 weeks in advance if overnight
  • 1 week in advance if a day trip around the local area

Any student organization trip not registered with Campus Activities is considered unauthorized by the College and will be unable to receive funding from CCSGA or access to transportation services. Additionally, failure to register a trip will result in the loss of future off-campus trip privileges.

Student organizations that will be taking off-campus trips must have a designated member of their organization who is traveling on the trip complete a pre-trip safety meeting with a member of the Office of Campus Activities.

Student Organizations traveling off-campus should be using CC vehicles when at all possible; travel in personal automobiles is highly discouraged as they are not covered by the College’s insurance and the driver’s personal insurance will be the default coverage. To reserve a van (and driver, if necessary), contact Transportation Services; for more information regarding van reservations and driving procedures, read the Vehicle Procedures Guide.

*International Travel must be approved by the Center of Global Education and Field Studies prior to any travel arrangements being purchased, finalized, or registered with OCA. To submit international travel for review or for more information, please contact the Center of Global Education and Field Studies office.

Primary Advisory Office Policies 

Primary Advisory Offices should keep policies available on their websites. If updates are necessary throughout the year, Primary Advisory Offices are responsible for communicating these changes to their groups, along with the reasoning behind these changes, and the CCSGA VP of Student Life and Campus Activities staff. If student organizations at any time have questions or feedback about the Primary Advisory Offices protocols, they should reach out to the CCSGA VP of Student Life to discuss their concerns. 

Feedback Process 

Feedback is an important part of the student organization development process. Should you have feedback or kudos for specific student organizations on their practices or would like to provide suggestions for this handbook, you can do so by emailing CCSGA at

Student Organization Resources


Important Contacts to Know

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I start a club for my hobby/group of friends that meets informally on an ad hoc basis?

There are many benefits of CCSGA recognition afforded to recognized student groups that are outlined at the beginning of this handbook. If your group does not need or want to take advantage of these benefits nor needs access to funding or support resources, it is not necessary to go through the club development process. Additionally, if you feel your group’s focus does not have long-term sustainability (i.e., based on a trend or fad du jour), you may want to consider meeting informally. You should, however, keep all of these policies and protocols in this handbook in mind as not being a recognized CCSGA group does not abdicate you or your group from any and all responsibility.

I am a faculty or staff member and I want to start a student organization. What do I do?
Faculty and staff are not able to start student groups. You are, however, welcome to identify students who share your interest to see if they are interested in founding the organization and having you serve as an advisor. Alternatively, you can check with your department head to see if it would make sense for your idea to become a faculty or staff-run and college-sponsored student program through your department.

What’s the difference between a club and a student organization? What about programs?

There is no difference; you may see the terms club and student organization used interchangeably within this guide. There are, however, some college-run programs under student leadership that operate similarly to student organizations but are independent of CCSGA. Examples of this include but are not limited to CC EMS, Catalyst, Theater Workshop, etc.

When should my club transition leadership?

Most clubs transition leadership in the Spring semester, specifically during Blocks 7 & 8; this is one of the requirements in order to re-apply as a club. Additionally, it allows outgoing and potentially graduating leadership to pass off the Leadership Transition materials to incoming leadership. It also allows for the student organization to maintain momentum and pick up where it left off at the beginning of the Fall semester. We advise against waiting until Blocks 1 & 2 to transition leadership unless absolutely necessary and would encourage organizations to begin the leadership transition process as early as blocks 5 & 6.

Acronym Reference List

  • CCSGA – Colorado College Student Government Association
  • FOAP - Fund, Organization, Account, Program Number 
  • OCA - Office of Campus Activities 
  • PCARD - Purchasing Card
  • SEF - Special Event Funding 
  • SES - Student Events Summit 
Report an issue - Last updated: 03/05/2025