Minor Requirements
New Minor Requirements
Hello HBK Minors (and minors-to-be)!
Below are the revisions to the Human Biology and Kinesiology Departmental Minor. These changes went into effect in block 8 of 2024. Please contact Dr. Murphy (emurphy@joker47.net) or Dr. Bull (abull@joker47.net) with any advising questions.
If you declared your Human Biology and Kinesiology Minor prior to Block 8, 2024:
Your HBK minor requirements will NOT be automatically updated. You will remain on your original degree plan unless you opt to transfer to the new 2024 plan below. You are invited to finish your minor as originally planned without any formal statement. However, if you want to follow the new minor guidelines below please contact Dr. Bull and indicate this.
If you declared your Human Biology and Kinesiology Minor after block 7, 2024:
You will automatically be declaring the minor below without exception. Please only select courses listed in the requirements below when applying for the HBK Minor. HBK does not regularly teach all the courses listed in the catalog or under the Courses tab above.
It is our intention that the minor plan below allows for greater flexibility so that students can have more freedom to explore the classes HBK has grown to offer as they relate to your personal and professional interests. HBK is excited for this growth and added flexibility!
HK 130; Fundamentals of Kinesiology Pre-Requisites: N/A *Cannot be taken after HK 330 |
HK 204; Human Anatomy Pre-Requisites: 8 CC Credits |
HK 304; Advanced Human Anatomy Pre-Requisites: HK204 |
HK 317; Biomechanics Pre-Requisites: HK104 or HK204 |
HK 321; Human Physiology Pre-Requisites: HK204 *HK104 does not serve as a prerequisite |
HK 330; Exercise Physiology Pre-Requisites: HK321 |
HK 104; Anatomy of Human Movement |
HK 113/114; EMT course |
HK 120/220/320; Topics in HBK Pre-Requisites: Variable, check Banner |
HK 125; Introduction to Human Nutrition Pre-Requisites: N/A |
HK 151; Biophysics Offered every other year Pre-Requisites: N/A |
HK 260; Nordic Research Seminar Offered in Block 8 every other year Pre-Requisites: HK130, HK330, or COI |
HK 306; Advanced Joint (0.5cr) Offered every other year Pre-Requisites: HK204 |
HK 308; Advanced Head and Neck (0.5cr or 1.0cr) Offered every other year Pre-Requisites: HK204 |
HK 250/350; Investigations in Kinesiology |
Minor Requirements Prior to Block 8, 2024
Please see the announcement above regarding new minor requirements and updated minor as of Block 8, 2024.
5 units of courses in Human Biology and Kinesiology including the core courses of:
HK204 – Introduction to Human Anatomy – cadaver-based, no dissection
HK321 – Human Physiology
HK330 – Exercise Physiology
And any two additional units in Human Biology and Kinesiology, including:
HK 104 – Anatomy of Movement
HK120 – Topics in Human Biology and Kinesiology: Introduction to Biomechanics (0.5 unit)
HK120 – Topics in Human Biology and Kinesiology: Nutrition within Eating Disorder Development, Diagnosis, and Treatment
HK125 – Introduction to Human Nutrition
HK130 – Fundamentals of Kinesiology
HK151 – Biophysics: Physics and Living Things
HK260 – Human Biology and Kinesiology Seminar (may be taught off-campus or internationally)
HK304 – Advanced Human Anatomy – cadaver-based, dissection
HK306 – Advanced Joint Anatomy – cadaver-based, dissection (0.5 unit)
HK317 – Biomechanics
HK350 – Investigations in Human Biology and Kinesiology (independent research with COI)
HK354 – Advanced Head and Neck Anatomy – cadaver-based, dissection (0.5 unit or 1.0 unit)
HK430 – Advanced Exercise Physiology
HK113 & HK114 – E.M.T Basic (1.5 unit), *only 1 credit may be applied to minor
two 0.5-unit courses must both be taken to equal one unit for the HBK minor.