Undergraduate Journals

The History Department works to provide students with a variety of publication and professional opportunities. Please see the following list of journals. While students are encouraged to carefully review the journal's scope and submission requirements, they are also encouraged to partner with a faculty advisor when preparing to submit for publication.

Students are also encouraged to consider featuring their work in the History Department's newsletter, The HY411. 

Undergraduate Journals

Animus, the undergraduate Classical journal of the University of Chicago, publishes outstanding original work in the Classics and related fields. Supporting study of the Classical world through multiple platforms—our journal and our online blog—we seek to present wide-ranging undergraduate scholarship to a broad audience. Publishing not only academic papers, but also translations, creative works and visual art, we endeavor to create a dialogue between traditional and reception-based approaches to scholarship on ancient cultures and the Classical world. We hope to provide fellow undergraduate Classicists with the opportunity to have their works reviewed by peers in their field, both to their benefit and to the wider improvement of Classical scholarship.

Website: About Us | Animus: The University of Chicago's Undergraduate Journal for the Classics (uchicago.edu)

Any original works will be accepted for review by the editorial board of ARCHIVE. We encourage submitting scholarly papers, seminar research papers, articles, book reviews, and historical essays of reasonable length (30 pages or less double-spaced) by any undergraduate student. Non-history majors’ pieces are both accepted and encouraged.

Website: ARCHIVE – University of Wisconsin Undergraduate Journal of History (wordpress.com)

Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History is an online journal edited and produced by undergraduate students at Georgia Southern University (Armstrong Campus). The journal is dedicated to promoting undergraduate students’ research interest in history and their writing skills. The journal is also hoped to strengthen the collaborations in learning between undergraduates and graduates, students and faculty, and history majors and those from other study fields. All submissions will be fully refereed in a blind reviewing process by history professors and graduate students from Georgia Southern and other universities.

Website: Armstrong Undergraduate Journal of History | Journals | Georgia Southern University

Clio’s Scroll welcomes submissions from undergraduate students and recent graduates, within three years of graduation of any university, including international ones. The submission must have been written while an undergraduate, and we do not accept papers written while a high school or graduate student. The editors look for articles that contribute to historical knowledge with new content and original interpretations. Research papers between 20-50 total pages (including title page and bibliography) from all universities, history courses, and historical areas of focus are welcome. For UC Berkeley students, this especially includes papers from History 103 classes and particularly History 101 theses. Papers from other disciplines are also welcome, so long as they are primarily historical in nature and focus–we will reject your paper if history is not the main component. 

Website: Submissions – Clio's Scroll (berkeley.edu)

The Columbia Journal of History (CJH), formerly the Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History, is a publication of the Undergraduate History Council at Columbia University. The Journal was founded to provide opportunities for undergraduate students to contribute their research to the field of history. Our Executive Board reviews student submissions from history departments across the United States and abroad, and selects about 10% of submissions for inclusion in each biannual edition.

The Columbia Journal of History is an independent, peer-reviewed undergraduate research publication that promotes intellectual inquiry and recognizes outstanding historical literature on diverse subjects.

Aim and Scope
The Columbia Journal of History aims to increase accessibility within the academic publishing landscape. Our Editors welcome the submission of historical research papers produced in seminars, upper-level electives, independent study and/or thesis programs. Papers can be short or long (5–7,000 words are recommended, however, there is flexibility at the discretion of Editors), and may feature polemical, topical, theoretical, or archival approaches.

Website: http://www.columbiahistoryjournal.com/

The Columbia Undergraduate Research Journal (CURJ) is pleased to announce that it is accepting submissions for its Spring 2023 issue. CURJ is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary journal that publishes research carried out by undergraduates. We welcome papers by students in all fields of study, and are excited to provide an opportunity to recognize and promote excellent undergraduate research.

Website: Columbia Undergraduate Research Journal

"The Crimson Historical Review is the University of Alabama’s first undergraduate history journal, and one of the few of its type in the country. The Editorial Board, Design Team, and Review Board are all comprised of UA undergraduate students. You can contact us here.

At the CHR, we purpose to give authors the opportunity to publish original, peer-reviewed content and to share that content on a national platform. We’re incredibly grateful that, whether it be by submitting a paper or reading our most recent edition, you’ve helped actualize that aim."

Website: http://crimsonhistorical.ua.edu/

"Thanks for checking out Dies Legibiles! We are the first undergraduate journal of Medieval Studies at Smith College, founded in 2020 by students Alexandra Domeshek and Gwen Ellis and overseen by Professor Joshua C. Birk, PhD. Our focus is the period 400 – 1600 AD; beyond that, there are no hard or fast rules! We accept submissions from all sorts of fields: art, art history, language & translation, religion, and so on. We also encourage submissions pertaining to regions outside Western Christendom.

We hope to de-center Western Europe in discourse about the Middle Ages as well as provide an academically rigorous platform upon which students can showcase their research. The undergraduate so infrequently has a chance to share their work with their peers. Academia in its highest form is the exchange of thoughts and theories; we want to facilitate this for the next generation of scholars."

Website: About – Dies Legibiles (smith.edu)

Ezra's Archives is a publication put forth biannually by the Cornell Historical Society. This journal, launched in the Spring of 2011, showcases stellar examples of undergraduate research in the field of history. In the Fall of 2011, Ezra's Archives expanded to accept submissions from undergraduates at other universities.  If you are interested in applying for a position on the editorial board, submitting a paper, or learning more about the journal, please email cornellhistoricalsociety@gmail.com. The next issue of Ezra's Archives will be published in the Spring of 2023.

Website: http://history.cornell.edu/ezras-archives


The Gateway History Journal provides undergraduate students an opportunity to demonstrate their exceptional history research, analysis, and writing. The Editorial Board prides itself on reviewing and publishing a diversity of submissions. The Gateway accepts submissions from all universities and does not impose topical or temporal restrictions.

Typically, the Managing Editor issues a call for submissions in January. The call for submissions outlines the submission requirements and the submission deadline. Once the submission deadline passes, the Editorial Board conducts a double-blind review to determine which submissions to select for publication. Editors then works with writers to improve the articles through a rigorous revision process. The Editorial Board aims to publish The Gateway in May.

Website: Gateway History Journal | Department of History (wustl.edu)

The Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era is dedicated to showcasing undergraduate papers regarding the Civil War Era and its lasting memory. The first issue was published in 2010. Today, the journal is published digitally and is openly available to readers around the world. A wide range of topics are encouraged and submissions should fall in one of the following three categories: academic essays, book reviews, and historical non-fiction essays. Submission guidelines for these categories are as follows

Website: About This Journal | Gettysburg College Journal of the Civil War Era | Gettysburg College

In response to the increasing interest in the ‘global’ as a field of inquiry, a perspective, and an approach, 'Global Histories: a student journal' aims to offer a platform for debate, discussion and intellectual exchange for a new generation of scholars with diverse research interests. Global history can provide an opportunity to move beyond disciplinary boundaries and methodological centrisms, both in time and space. As students of global history at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, our interest lies not in prescribing what global history is and what it is not, but to encourage collaboration, cooperation, and discourse among students seeking to explore new intellectual frontiers.

Website: Global Histories: A Student Journal

The Grand Valley Journal of History provides undergraduate students from all institutions with an opportunity to publish their historically-based research. The GVJH is a journal for all majors, operated by student editors and overseen by a faculty advisory board.

Established by Grand Valley State University’s History Department in 2011, the Grand Valley Journal of History is a student-operated publication that seeks to provide undergraduate students of any discipline with the opportunity to publish their historical research. The Journal helps undergraduate students to interact professionally with their fellow scholars in the world beyond the safe confines of their universities, while preparing them for further education and fulfilling careers.

Website: Grand Valley Journal of History | Grand Valley State University (gvsu.edu)

The Hamilton Historical is a competitive bi-annual publication with submissions subject to a blind peer-review process. We aim to create a space for undergraduate students to share our best work in diverse fields of historical inquiry. Contact us at hamhistorical@gmail.com.

Website: Hamilton Historical: Vol II, Issue 1, Fall 2022 by Hamilton Historical - Issuu

Herodotus is a student-run publication founded in 1986 by the History Undergraduate Student Association in collaboration with the Stanford University Department of History. It bears the name of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, the 5th century BCE historian of the Greco-Persian Wars. His Histories, which preserve the memory of the battles of Marathon and Thermopylae, were written so that "human achievements may not become forgotten in time, and great and marvelous deeds...may not be without their glory." Likewise, this journal is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the best undergraduate historical work, selected through a process of peer review.

Published annually, Herodotus welcomes submissions of undergraduate papers from individuals of all majors and class years. Papers should be between 2,500 and 6,000 words, show original analysis, and demonstrate in-depth historical research with primary sources. All accepted papers will be considered for the AHA Raymond J. Cunningham Prize and our $250 Carl N. Degler Prize, given to the paper that best elevates neglected voices in its historical narrative and/or contributes alternative viewpoints to the existing historiography. 

About the Journal | Herodotus Undergraduate History Journal (stanford.edu)

"History Matters is an undergraduate history journal published annually on this website by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. The journal is edited by undergraduates with the help of a faculty board. Please see FAQs for more information.

At History Matters, our goal is to publish the best undergraduate historical research possible. In doing so, we would like to provide an opportunity for top undergraduates from a variety of schools to be recognized for their work, become familiar with the publishing process, and engage in student-faculty collaboration."

Website: http://historymatters.appstate.edu/

The Michigan Journal of History is a student-run organization seeking to publish undergraduate papers in an online journal and with limited circulation paper copies.  Our aim is to encourage students to pursue their passion for history by providing them a chance to become published historians. Online editions of the journal are published annually near the end of the Winter Semester. Printed copies will be mailed to students whose submissions are accepted for publication.

As of 2019, the Michigan Journal of History is one of the founding members of the Society of Undergraduate Humanities Publications. You can learn more about this society here.

Website: http://michiganjournalofhistory.com

Founded in 1991, the Penn History Review is a journal for undergraduate historical research. Published twice a year through the Department of History, the journal is a non-profit publication produced by and primarily for undergraduates. The editorial board of the Review is dedicated to publishing the most original and scholarly research submitted for our consideration. For more information about submissions, please e-mail

Website: Penn History Review | University of Pennsylvania (upenn.edu)

In 2009, Synthesis was launched by a group of Harvard students who endeavored to provide a venue to further the collaboration between undergraduate history of science institutions. Each year the members of Synthesis has worked to expand their readership to students and faculty in programs involving the history of philosophy of science, technology, and medicine.

Website: About | Synthesis (hsharvardsynthesis.wixsite.com)


Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal is a peer-reviewed, faculty-approved, student run research publication that seeks to encourage undergraduate scholarship on diverse subjects. We uphold publishing ethics and are committed to the integrity of academic research. This journal is also specifically inclusive of historical narratives often overlooked in mainstream scholarship, and allows for the submission of interdisciplinary articles so long as the focus remains historical.

Website: Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal | Swarthmore College

The official publication of the Tufts University Department of History, the Tufts Historical Review is one of the leading principally-undergraduate academic journals of history in the United States. Each year, the Tufts Historical Review receives submissions from students at colleges and university across the country. Our journal is sent to libraries at universities across the world, most notably to Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Library of Congress, Cornell University, Georgetown University, and the University of Oxford. We invite you to submit your work to the Editorial Board for review. 

Website: Tufts Historical Review – The Official Publication of the Tufts Department of History

The Journal of History publishes original research and other scholarly works by undergraduate students. Though we welcome historical content that complements the subject and area expertise of faculty and graduate students teaching in the Department of History, we are interested in all facets of our past. The Journal thus serves as a platform for undergraduate learners to make and do history. 

Website: Undergraduate Journal of History – Department of History, UC Santa Barbara (ucsb.edu)

Vanderbilt Historical Review is an undergraduate-run, peer-reviewed research journal that annually publishes substantive articles and book reviews that demonstrate exemplary historical research, argumentation, and contribute uniquely to historical scholarship. VHR welcomes submissions from current undergraduates of national and international four-year institutions. 

​2022: We are excited to announce our call for submissions is now open. This year, we are publishing a special issue for the first time. This special issue calls for substantive articles and book reviews that concern feminism. The gains in gender equity drawn back by the pandemic and the threat on reproductive rights from the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade have brought questions about the state of the feminist movement for equality to the forefront of cultural and political discourse, and we feel it is more important now than ever to share, promote, and learn feminist histories. 

Website: http://vanderbilthistoricalreview.com/

Vexillum is an undergraduate journal that supports and promotes undergraduate scholarship in the fields of Classical and Medieval Studies, and accepts scholarly papers by undergraduate students written on a wide range of topics: history, literature, philosophy, archaeology, art history, sociology, philology, and linguistics. Sponsored by the Medieval Studies Program at Yale UniversityVexillum provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to submit outstanding papers for peer review from other undergraduates. Papers address aspects of the cultures and civilizations of Europe, the Mediterranean, the Near East, and Central Asia between 3,600 B.C.E. and 1500 C.E.

As Vexillum has an open submission policy, the journal accepts submissions throughout the year. We publish an annual volume featuring the 8-12 most deserving of these submissions every fall. Undergraduates looking to submit their papers should read our Submission Guidelines prior to submission. We encourage them to submit unpublished articles with original ideas and interdisciplinary research that will foster scholarly discourse and distinguish themselves from their peers.

Since 2010 it has been our aim to provide a venue for scholars early in their careers to showcase their work and contribute their fresh voices and perspectives to the academic world at large. If you would like to be involved in the journal’s work and receive e-mail updates regarding calls for papers and upcoming publications, please send us an e-mail at vexillumcontact@gmail.com.

Website: About – Vexillum (vexillumjournal.org)

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The History Department works to maintain accurate information on this page. However, if you find a broken link or encounter a journal that is no longer active please contact Mara at mgreen2024@joker47.net
Report an issue - Last updated: 10/02/2024