Lesson Registration

Lessons and ensemble participation are available to all Colorado College students as adjunct courses, taken for an entire semester. The Spring '25 registration begins Friday, Dec. 6 at 8 a.m., and will close January 29 at 4 p.m. Returning students will be prioritized until the end of Block 4, and then will open up to new students on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you wish to sign up for lessons after the deadline, please reach out to musiclessons@joker47.net.

The Music Department offers private lessons by professional performers in voice and all instruments of the Western orchestra. Sign up for lessons online; information is posted on the Music Department home page prior to the beginning of each semester. Registration ends on Wednesday of the second week of Blocks 1 and 5.

If you would still like to register for lessons after the deadline, you will need to contact your instructor to get approval for late registration. If you have additional questions, stop by the office or email us at musiclessons@joker47.net.



$500 per semester, charged to student's account. Includes 12 private lessons at 40 minutes each over the course of a semester. A .25 adjunct music credit is awarded upon successful completion.

Please note: lesson fees may not be reflected in the first billing cycle of each semester due to processing time. 



Guitar Class, Piano Class, Voice Class: $85 per semester, charged to the student's account. Includes 12 group lessons at 40 minutes each over the course of a semester. A .25 adjunct music credit is awarded upon successful completion.

  • Financial aid is available for students receiving academic financial aid and may be requested during registration.
  • Students are required to write a thank you note to the donor.
  • Students receiving such aid will be evaluated for attendance and participation in their lessons before subsequent aid will be offered for future semesters.
  • Students may drop after two lessons and receive an 80% refund within the first block of the semester.

  • There is no refund if dropping a group lesson class after the class has already met.
  • The withdrawal form must be obtained from the Music office – a registrar's drop/add slip may not be used.

  • No refund will be given for lesson withdrawals after the first block of the semester.

Students enrolled in lessons will have Gold Card access automatically processed to use practice rooms, and students enrolled in ensembles may request practice room access. Practice room access expires at the end of each semester.

Musical instruments are available to rent for students who are enrolled in private lessons, ensembles, and group classes. A rental fee for the academic year is charged to the student’s account when enrolled for fall semester; $100 for private lessons, $50 for group classes, and $40 for ensembles. If a student chooses to not continue enrollment for spring semester AND returns the instrument by the posted deadline in block 4, half of the yearly rental fee will be refunded to the student’s account. Rentals for spring semester only are $50 for private lessons, $25 for group classes, and $20 for ensembles.

Contact the Music Production Coordinator (Packard 49) to inquire about availability and to rent a musical instrument.

Students must be enrolled in lessons or an ensemble to check out a locker. Contact the Music office for details. The lost key charge is $100. 

Information on how to declare a Music major or minor.

Declared majors receive their first set of lessons at no charge and their second set at half price.  Declared minors receive their first set of lessons for up to 4 semesters at no charge. 

Other scholarships may be available to students who receive academic financial aid.

The Music Department requests student evaluation of the lesson/class/ensemble instructors at the end of each semester. A quick survey will be emailed to enrolled students with responses due before the last day of the semester. Participation is encouraged, but not mandatory.

This evaluation can be of significant benefit to the faculty member by identifying perceived strengths and weaknesses in teaching, thereby leading to personal and professional growth. 

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Report an issue - Last updated: 01/31/2025